Yesterday I saw Dr Leland Carrol, he is a chiropractic Kinesiologist He has studied extensively to learn alternative healing techniques to help patients with their individual needs. My only and I say that in jest, problems are muscle, joint and tendon pain in my legs.
I will share the regimen that he has suggested to me. I am NOT a doctor, these are just what I am trying. A lot of what I will be eating and taking are to remove as much as the toxin as I can. He suggested that I eat 1 cup of mixed brussel sprouts and broccoli and 1 whole red beet everyday. These should be steamed and the red beet should be steamed whole. It is the "red" in the beet that is supposed to thin the bile from the liver that can become thicker after Cipro poisoning.
In addition to those veggies I am "drinking" Green Vibrance. It has 25 billion probiotics per dose. It is also used for detoxification.
I am taking 3-4 Magnesium Malate (1250mg) per day, 2000mg of Vitamin C per day, 1 tablet 4 times a day on an empty stomach (be sure to eventually wean yourself down to a normal dose if you take this much Vitamin C). Bromelain, 2 capsules, 4 times a day between meals. Fibrozym, 3 tablets in the morning. Vitamin D and Calcium. These are all in addition to my "regular" everyday vitamins!
By the time I am through sucking down all of these pills and eating those veggies, I think I might just explode!
He also suggested epsom salt baths and light massage. Movement , especially in a pool, and to not push to the point of damage. He also pressed on tendon connections and did something like spreading the muscle tissue. None of this was painful.
Today is day 12, since the side effects began. Last night was the first night that I did not wake up in the middle of the night an hour or two BEFORE I could take Ibuprofen. I actually woke up one hour AFTER I was supposed to take it. I am taking 600mg every 6 hours. My "other" Dr. recommended that as it IS an anti-inflammatory. It helps me tremendously. I seem to be moving a bit faster, at the moment! Hoping for a good day.
I forgot to mention, that Dr. Lee was the FIRST Dr. that even had a clue what I was talking about. His knowledge on this subject was fascinating.
ReplyDeletewhat state and city is Dr Lee in? I need help desperately for being floxed
DeleteHi Michele
ReplyDeleteI was floxed by Levaquin 3 months ago, which I took for 30 days. I had horrible tendonpains all over, besides insomnia and not being able to digest properly.
Today I can walk again and symptoms are much less. So there IS hope!
Wish you recovery soon.
Hi Michele,
ReplyDeleteI was floxed by Levaquin almost 5 months ago. I also had horrible tendon pain all over and peripheral neuropathy. My feet were especially hard hit. I can only walk a few hundred feet at a time. When I go out, I use a wheelchair.
Prior to being floxed, I was in excellent shape. I exercised 5-6 days a week.
I feel like I am very slowly improving.
How much vitamin D do you take a day? I had blood work that found a vitamin D deficiency. What is green vibrance and where do you get it?
Thanks for any input you have.
Best wishes,
Nancy in PA
Hi Nancy,
ReplyDeleteI sure hope this finds you doing a bit better. I am still dealing with good and bad days. As far as the Vitamin D goes, the bottle says 800I.U. And Green Vibrance is a probiotic that you drink. It is green and smells like grass! I seem to like it best in orange juice. You can get it at any health food store and it is typically kept cold. I am willing to try anything!
The biggest improvements I have seen are my joints. While I still cannot "squat" I am able to bend my knees almost all the way, as long as I do not have my weight on them. Ankles and feet are still quite painful. Some days worse than others.
Please let me know how you are doing.
Best Wishes,
i still have terrible effects from cipro 3 years on including dystonia of neck and terrible balance problems along with pain in legs and knees ect. just found out a month ago its due to this antibiotic cipro. Does anyone know if i will be permanently damaged now? Im willing to try anything
ReplyDeletethanx bec
You will find that Voltaren Gel is a much better anti-inflammatory for the tendonitis of this condition than Ibuprofen. It is worth paying out of pocket for if not covered by insurance. It is multiples better at getting the tendon pain down than Ibuprofen.
ReplyDelete- 1 month in, currently dealing with joint-line pain when standing/walking with most tendon pain gone.
This stuff is pure poison wish i read up on this drug before taking it the people that make this stuff should be jailed . I took 4 tablets for only 2 days anf broke out with blisters all over my body and i itch like crazy !!!! dangerous stuff take only if it is last resort
ReplyDeleteI was hurt after Cipro with Flagyl then Augmenting and PCN. Never would have thought, because had taken them in the past with no problems. Now only probiotics and high Vit D and C ! No caffeine , not even chocolate! I am on five years of this and furious at the continued medical ignorance.
ReplyDeleteIt is insulting to anyone who's been severely floxed that eating beets and brussel sprouts is going to do ANYTHING to reverse the horrific musculoskeletal damage caused by this evil drug. If you feel these foods and supplements are helping you--congratulations! That means you weren't severely floxed and would have bounced back regardless of whether you were eating the frickin' beets or not. To the rest of us, this advice is downright insulting and really underestimates the severity of our Cipro-induced injuries.
ReplyDeleteTrue,,how can a beet and brussel spouts reverse this poison ! This is a joke and taken Ibrupofen when you are floxed is totally wrong make things worst...What I believe heps,is taken Jodide,Boron,Calcium,Magnesim and zinc supplements,Lecithin,dry infrared sauna,chlorella with Spirulina,apple cider vinegar (with mother),yoga and coconut oil applied on skin after bath,diet with no sufar,no coffee ,no alcool,,.All this make things better and maybe cure not sure dpends on how much is everyone floxed..
DeleteI am sorry that you feel that way. The frickin' beets and brussel sprouts did not help my muscle pain at all,nor did it help to revers any of the damage, but eaten shortly after being floxed helps to clear the toxins from your liver. You can check that info with a nutritionist. The quicker that the toxins are removed from our bodies, the less damage they can do.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot remove Cipro from your body! It is permanently adducted to your DNA. No amount of supplements will cure this condition. If you get better, it is by luck. Some get better with time, some never.
DeleteYou would have to eat them within hours of ingesting Cipro for it to do any "detoxing" of the drug whatsoever. I don't know about you, but my ADR's didn't start showing up until nearly two weeks after I'd taken my last pill. At that point, there is no detoxing...the damage is done.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, the reason I even know about your blog is because I've had friends send me this link, thinking they're helping me. Apparently when searching for a Cipro cure, your page is one of the first that comes up. Then I get to spend my time and energy having to convince my friends that this is complete BS and that my injuries go way beyond anything that some simple beets and brussel sprouts could ever fix! It's very frustrating when I have to fight not only people on the outside looking in, but floxed people themselves touting BS "cure" regimens. If the beets, etc did not help you then PLEASE MAKE THAT MORE CLEAR in your blog posting so that others who stumble upon this information don't take it as being a cure. It is not a cure in any way, shape or form. The way it's currently written has people thinking otherwise. You may not have written it with that intention, but I'm letting you know that that is how people are interpreting it.
Do you not know that toxins can stay residually in your body for a very, very long time? and did you read that the reason I was eating the beets was to help thin the thicken bile from the Cipro.
ReplyDeleteAnd in noway did I EVER state that this was a "cure". If you read the last paragraph I was thrilled that I even slept for six hours.
Also, I simply reported my progress one year down the road. I understand and empathize with how you are feeling and I hope that someday you too will began to see improvement in your condition.
It totally sucks to be debilitated by and antibiotic and yes, my symptoms began with my 5th pill, so maybe I caught it early and saved myself additional damage.
Well you're one of the lucky ones...by the time my ADR's hit, I'm doubtful there was much if any Cipro left in my body to "detox" out. Cipro (supposedly) has a very short half-life, thus the reason you usually have to take it twice a day. The atomic bomb did not detonate inside my body for nearly who weeks, at which time I doubt there was enough Cipro still in me to be doing measurable damage. We'll never know for sure thanks to Bayer's refusal to cooperate with its victims. If you call Bayer about this stuff, you are treated very coldly like you're a complete liability to them, even when all you want is a simple answer like WTF their product has done to your body. They will speak very vaguely, will never apologize for your injuries, and keep turning the conversation back on you--trying to get your personal information from you (name, address, drug information, etc).
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I just wanted to make clear that there is no cure for floxing at the present time--especially not from something as simple as a few garden vegetables. If anyone eats garden vegetables and "miraculously" recovers then I've got news for them: They weren't floxed to begin with. Someone new might stumble upon the information on this page and misinterpret it as being a successful "cure" or a treatment for floxing, without knowing the not-so-stellar outcome of your having tried it. Without an update disclosing that your pain never went away after following this dietary regimen, the message comes across in a very different way to the first time reader.
I absolutely support everything Anonymous says. If people would bother to learn about the method of action of these synthetic bactericides and to study and get informed about anatomy, physiology, nutrition, health and sickness in general, they wouldn't waste time and money on such nonsense. http://destruida-los-restos.blogspot.com.es/
DeleteWell, thank you for your opinion. And once again, I am not touting anything as a cure. I do believe the only "cure" is improvement over time and trying to rebuild what damage these drugs have caused. There is a short update after starting this regimen posted here:
And you are 100% correct in your view of Bayer. My experience was the same. I contacted them several times and received the same run around. It is very frustrating. The fact that they offer no advice or protocol after the damage is done is mind blowing. Shame on them!
ReplyDeleteI believe that these symptoms can be reversed. The human body has an incredible ablility to heal itself. Unfortunatly, I will most likely be very costly to fix ourselves.
ReplyDeletePeople have gotten better from this, symptoms do decrease with time.
If children with autism, adults with Alzhimers, Parkisons, etc can get relief so can we.
I am in the beginging of this but mark my words I will help see us out of this and you will be hearing from me again.
Do not give up. I am a researcher and have almost every treatment available at my fingertips. I will study these IVs (Glutathione, Hydrogen Peroxide, Vitamin C) and will report.
It doesnt make sense that these changes are perminant. Yes our DNA is damaged but I believe we can repair it.
This is precisely what I need to be hearing right now. The symptoms of being floxed just keep coming. It seems that one takes over the other, and then rears its ugly head when least expected. Thanks David for your diligence.
DeleteMichele, I'm seeing a holistic chiropractor but sounds like similar capabilites. I told him that I was taking the Levaquin and he assured me that with the supplements he already has me on (all food based) and some other treatments he'll get me back to normal when this is done. One thing I did want to mention, though, was that you have to be careful with Vitamin C. Turns out that if it is ascorbic acid, it can actually do you more harm than good as in order to work with our bodies, ascorbic acid has to "steal" copper from somewhere else in our bodies. The main location of copper is in the adrenals where it functions as a battery to keep the adrenals functioning properly.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the other suggestions, though. I'm glad I bought more brussels sprouts yesterday!
People ... I dont know if you will see this or not. But I took avelox 1 year ago and I was fine for 10 months...
ReplyDelete10 long months of health and fun and pain free living..
on the 11 month excruciating pain hit me like a ton of bricks all over my entire body.. I now spend most of my free time in bed...
I am on the 3rd month with little relief... this shit wont let up.
How do I detox 10 months out!?
Please stfu. People like you need to be around people like you...stop ruinin everyones hopes of a better future
DeleteYahhhh....asswipe....get the F*** out of this forum if you dont have anything positive to say. You can do whatever you want, NO ONE IS FORCING TO DO ANYTHING....so stop attacking this lady whose sole purpose is to help those who are really desperate, shes not trying to sell you anything so theres no need for you to be as f***ing rude as you are being.....i am thankful that michelle is trying ti help us at least.......
DeleteI am not sure whether or not you CAN detox at this point, so I guess you will just have to work on rebuilding. It is a long, tough road.
ReplyDeleteVit B6 all kinds
Vit C
No Coffee or tea!!!
Citrus Bioflavonidis must be taken everyday(Bioflavonidis - strong detox)
Boordock Root - also daily very important(blood purifying agent)- flush your blood
B6 + Folic Acid = magic combination for our nerves,you will get this precribed for example if you suffer from sciatica, bude have big power of healing itself and to heal broken nerve all you need is to deliver this combination.From B6+Folic body can repair nerve only if is not damaged for a long time.
Jellys - eat them whatever way make them use beef gelatine(plenty colagen),thats how tendons are built - from collagen,if u cant buy liquid collagen.
Thats my view
I have found that avoiding meats treated with antibiotics causes flare ups. I avoid them like the plague now. I am coming up on my one year anniversary of being "floxed" by Avelox. I still have chronic achilles tendonitis. Improvement is gradual but there is NO cure. I am better today than I was 6 months ago - easier for others to notice (kind of like watching your hair grow.) Damage is at the CELLULAR level. As long as those damaged cells keep dividing, the pain continues. Time is the healer. My heart goes out to all who have been afflicted. Tell EVERYONE you know to avoid these drugs and file a complaint to the FDA: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/medwatch/medwatch-online.htm
ReplyDeleteThanks for the blog, I took leavquin for a UTI and 2 days in I could not walk, stricken with bilateral achilles tendonitis. I was a 33 year old active woman, running and hiking - four months later I am still learining how to walk normally... now muscles and tendons in my hips are starting to ache. The worst part... when people ask what is wrong with you and you tell the story and they give you the look of "you must be making this up, you have got to be a hypochondriac."
ReplyDeletelol! Yup, I know the feeling!! And as you can read, it has been a long road. Cipro definitely destroyed my life for over two years and I still am dealing with Achilles issues. The aching in the joints come and go and I am not certain that we EVER fully recover. The amount of people that I have met, since correlating the Cipro to the muscle, joint and tendon pain is staggering. You will begin to notice the same thing when you ask people you meet, that have "fibromyalgia" if they have ever taken Cipro, Levaquinn or Avelox!
DeleteKeep me posted, and my best to you,
Oh, and by the way; I now have Leukemia; sure wonder if it is somehow related since I have no genetic risk factors....food for thought!
ReplyDeleteMichelle, I just found out about cipro. How are you doing now?
Hi Judi,
ReplyDeleteOddly enough 2 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with leukemia; the chemo that I received seemed to reverse a lot of the side effects from the Cipro; I guess there always is a silver lining!
Hi michele.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you are still suffering nowwbut with different issues. Id like your opinion if possible.
Im in the uk and my gp rrecently pescribed me with cipro. Unaware to me I took it with no warnings. I took 5 500mg tablets in total. Stopped taking because headaches and nausea. Ive been back to docs today and it wasn't even necessary as there was no infection to begin with. I feel so cheated. I stopped taking it on saturday and yesterday started having pins and needles in my feet and intermittent shooting pains in left leg. Im very worried now. The doc said just take lots of water no other tsblets in meantime snd flush it out. I'm petrified about this what the future holds now. I am 30 year old man with two small babies and regular runner - 30/40 mile per week. I feel devastated and don't know what to do after reading all these posts about cipro. Is this likely to get worse or may it just go away and I'll be lucky? Any reassurance or advice would be greatly appreciated.
My gp doesn't really seems confident I wont have long term damage and for reassurance sought opinions from two seperste pharmacists. Both again seemed to just mirror what thr dr recommended in terms of lots of fluid to flush out! I feel like making a big deal of this with the gp who pescribed thisbut I doubt it will get me anywhere and also iI'm more interested in trying to put this right in the meantime. I really need help from soneone who hss experienced this.y wife thinks I'm overreacting but I can't help getting stressrd about this.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear this; everyone thinks we are over reacting; until it happens to them!! It is the worst pain ever and unfortunately there are no studies regarding recovery. It is 2 1/2 years and I am still suffering. It makes me so angry; I cannot believe the number of people affected!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to you,
over 6 years and still in pain. hope to meet these doctors on other side.
ReplyDeleteHello to all.
ReplyDeleteIn July 2015, my boyfriend took Cipro and had very bad side effects. They have all been named in the blog but to refresh, pain in the tendons, Achilles, fatigue, vision problems and recently what appears to seem like blood clots in his legs. His ankles were swollen and he felt them tighten. He also has Crohn's (4 years now, before taking Cipro) & if you know how Crohn's works, the body does not absorb medication well (or anything for that matter.) Some of his side effects have thankfully subsided and even lessened. With the new symptom coming up of blood clots (to be exact, this past week) it has been a bit of a scare for both him and I. I am asking for a bit of assistance because I want to do all that I can for him. The both of us advocate supplements and accept suggestions.
I wish the rest of you a great recovery and hope to hear from some of you. I truly will appreciate it.
DeleteI am so sorry to hear this! Oddly enough, I was diagnosed with chronic mylogenous leukemia five years ago and had chemotherapy, which helped with my pain! I still deal with the pain, but not as bad as it was in the beginning.
Wish you boyfrined well,
I was on cipro for a UTI and had a lot of problems from taking it. My question for anyone is I need advice on what to take when I get a UTI, I'm afraid to take antibiotics but my UTIs won't go away without one and I have just developed another UTI unfortunately. Any advice would be appreciated. I've tried the natural way and it didn't work. I really need an antibiotic but I'm scared. Is there anything out there that has worked for someone who has been floxed? Thank you sg.a@live.com
ReplyDeleteso sorry you are dealing with this! This class of antibiotics can be life altering. You could try and ask for Bactrim; it has been successful for me.
ReplyDeleteThe ER doctor prescribed me this poison like it was a candy alomg with metrozinadole each 2 a day for period of 10 days! Aftertaking the first 3 pills my gut feeling told me to stop taking moreof it soI did. After telling my dr I stopped taking it he warned me and start telling me that it is inportant to finish the doses. So I got back to it and i ingested 3 pills more of cipto n 3 more pills of metrozinadol. Which I really regret doing it now! I have a bad abdominal disconfort and pain in my legs that can't let me go to sleep. I have never had any issue with my tendons just right after stoping the medication the pain started. It's been 4 days and the abdominal distress, tendons and legs pain is still here. Any advices what I can do to get rid of these side effects? I looking tosue Kaiser for prescribing me a dangerous drug I was never supposed to have. I will let this go like that! This is a chemoterapy that I didn't need.
ReplyDeleteI was floxed Oct. 2017. Many of the "side effects" that you all describe, I have and continue to have. They morph from one thing to another. But I am thankful that I stopped taking Cipro after 3 pills. Much more damage could have been done.I started fasting intermittently and eating "for the most part" keto diet. It has seemed to help. I also take magnesium chloride, ACV, CoQ10, Chondrotin, Niacin, Colloidial Silver, B-12, Copiaba oil for my legs. (Topical) Is there anything else that I should be doing? I was doing pretty good for awhile, but it seems like the symptoms are coming back on me. Maybe this is normal too. Thanks for any help! - Brenda
ReplyDeleteHey Brenda,
ReplyDeleteSorry you had to join us here! My symptoms seem to come and go. I really hate how this antibiotic has destroyed my body, when it could have been avoided,