My Beautiful Mother! |
While recently reviewing my mother’s medical history, due to
ulcers on her leg, I
am 100% convinced that floroquinlones have destroyed the past eighteen years of
her life. Eighteen years ago my mother suffered from a torn rotator cuff. I
thought that it was odd that she had a torn rotator cuff since she did not ever
“overuse” her shoulders. She did not golf; play tennis or regularly life heavy
objects. She was fit and in great shape. I chalked it up to a fluke. Shortly
after she had surgery on her right shoulder, her left rotator cuff tore
requiring a second surgery.
No one found this odd except for me. When she returned twice
more for additional tears in each of her rotator cuffs, I was appalled at the
lack of interest as to “why” my mother suffered from four torn rotator cuffs,
which required surgery. I had no idea “why” it happened; I just knew that it
was not “normal” and that there must be a “reason.”
As my mother’s shoulders continued to heal, she began to
suffer from an all over the body pain and achiness that would not subside and
could not be controlled with medication. She saw doctor after doctor and they
treated her with many drugs including mass doses of cortisone. She was
monitored closely while on the cortisone (prednisone) and was eventually weaned
from mass doses, to a therapeutic dose after suffering from the side effects from
the mass amounts of cortisone that she had been given.
Since she was in such chronic and excruciating pain, the
doctors continued to try medications and remedies, including intravenous
Remicade (Humira). She was “loosely diagnosed with first, Fibromyalgia and them
poly-myalgia-rheumatic. Yes, they were convinced that she had an auto-immune
disease and Rheumatic Arthritis. She was often in so much pain that I would
hear here crying and chanting, in private, praying for relief from the pain.
I remember her trying to describe the pain, in her feet, to
me. She said that they felt as though they were on fire; like she was walking
on broken glass; that even the air hurt her feet so badly that she could hardly
breathe. It wasn’t until I suffered the same pain in my feet ,that I realized
that what she was describing was floroquinolone poisoning.
I immediately asked her if she had taken Cipro; of course
she had, many, many times; and Levaquinn and Avelox, for years and years. I
expressed my theory and of course was met with doubt. She cannot even fathom
that it is possible that her entire condition was not only caused by floroquinolones,
but exasperated by the continual usage of them, combined with her cortisone
It was the
on leg that led me to her medical records and the confirmation that she has
been prescribed all of these antibiotics throughout this slow and painful
destruction of her life. I am 100% convinced that this has been the cause of
all of her pain and suffering. I literally took 6 bottles of Levaquinn out of
her medicine cabinet the last time that I was there. I have called her doctor
and told him of my suspicions. After almost causing her death, from a near
heart attack while on Avelox, they have finally listed floroquinolones as an “allergy”
on her chart.
I do not know how I will ever “prove” all of this, but what
I do know, is that it is a crime that not once, has a medical professional ever
even considered that her rapid and painful deterioration might have been caused
by one of their “cures.” The over use of these drugs, is criminal.
I was very lucky that it only took me one ruptured tendon in my foot and 15 months of rehabilitation from crippling pain to realize that my conditions were due to Cipro, so fortunately I will not suffer her fate. I am so infuriated that it has stolen my mother's life and I shall continue with my crusade to warn others.