Almost one year ago I suffered from a ruptured tendon in my foot. I danced 3-6 times a week and thought that it was really odd that I injured my foot dancing, but because I was dancing when the injury occurred, I figured that that must be the cause.
In light of my new Cipro poisoning, leg muscle, tendon and joint pain, I called my doctor and confirmed that I was actually taking Cipro at the time of the tendon rupture. I stared taking it on May 31, 2009 and the injury occurred on June 3, 2009. I never put 2 and 2 together until now. The injury lasted 8 months. I was able to dance pain free for 5 weeks before my current condition. I now just pray that someday I will be able to dance again. Walking would be good, too!
Michele, I was given Cipro on Saturday for a bladder infection. I took a dose Saturday night, Sunday morning, and Sunday night. Three doses total. Knew something was wrong and didn't take it this morning. Severe headaches, muscle and joint soreness, head fog, diarrhea, pains all over. I'm scared to death after researching all the horrible things this drug has done to people. What can I do to be proactive and fight this? Is there any way to keep it from getting out of hand?? Thank you for this blog!